Tomorrow’s Transportation

69411357_3609176089093343_8425480410200276992_nThe author of this meme says it so well.  Getting rid of the driver is far less desirable than getting rid of the oil that’s causing everything from war to climate change to lung cancer.

The problem lies, however, in the first line, “I don’t want…..”  It doesn’t matter a damn what you or I want.  You don’t get what you want; you get what you are given, and the only reason you’re given something is that a mega-corporation is making a fortune selling it to you.

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One comment on “Tomorrow’s Transportation
  1. marcopolo says:


    You’re are right when you say “It doesn’t matter a damn what you or I want” .

    Of course it doesn’t matter! Not because of some evil plot by sinister evil overlords in mega corporations, but because public transit relies on mass consumers.

    Most public transit failed because not enough users found the systems convenient enough to keep the systems running economically.

    Today, most bus systems are uneconomic. They exist as a subsidized public service for a small number of commuters. In some cities, public transport is popular and convenient, although seldom economic and most cities have long outgrown the routes.

    Public transit systems requires enormous infrastructure investment. That means taxpayer funding. Funding that must be diverted from education, hospitals etc.

    You could buy an electric car, but you don’t. In your estimation the extra cost to practice what you preach, isn’t worth the extra few dollars to fulfill your principles,

    You are no different than millions of others who elect to use the convenience of personal transport. The only difference is hypocrisy.

    While the rest of us honestly admit why we prefer the advantages offered by personal transport, you must blame “sinister plotters” for your own choices.