Joe Arpaio’s Latest Run for Sheriff

KWSID5WH5YI6TJHTYCA2CJW6OA“President Trump might’ve pardoned him, but those who had families and communities destroyed by his unlawful tactics have not,” one advocate said.That seems rash; let’s try to be understanding. All he wants to do is get elected to the top law enforcement position, while routinely and flagrantly acting in direct violation of the law. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Seriously, Arizona? If Hunter S. Thompson were alive, would you elect him governor?

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One comment on “Joe Arpaio’s Latest Run for Sheriff
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hey, what have you got against Hunter S Thompson? :)..

    What on earth can be said for the nearly 90 year old Joe Arpaio, or the nearly 700,000 voters of of Maricopa County, Arizona who supported his eccentric behavior and vicious deeds for over 24 years?

    This guy is a bigot’s, bigot. Utterly contemptuous of the law, decency, human behavior and through his own hunger for power and publicity dragged the entire state, and nation into disrepute.

    President Trump was ill advised to pardon Arpaio, who deserved serious gaol time for his thousands of misdeeds and wanton cruelty.

    He wasn’t even an efficient policeman, in fact his department was shockingly lousy at real crime investigation.

    A horrible old relic of a bygone age, Arpaio will be missed by none. Surely in a county with more than 4,329,580 residents, there must be a better GOP candidate than this hideous old ogre.