“High-level” Chinese Trade-talk Fabricated: Be Very Afraid

trump_lies_finalbannerTrump made up those ‘high-level’ Chinese trade-talk calls to boost markets, aides admit.

Does anyone else find this terrifying?  Yes, we all know that he’s a pathological liar (to the tune of 8.9/day), but there is something about this one that simply needs to scare us out of our wits.

n_wh_deadline_Dale_181224_1920x1080How can anyone believe Trump would be truthful if this pertained to our physical (vs. economic) safety, perhaps a nuclear war?  I’m 64, and I’ve had a good life, one that can’t last forever.  Not that I want to check out of here just yet, but I’m more concerned for my kids, who deserve the same chance I had.  This is horrifying.

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One comment on ““High-level” Chinese Trade-talk Fabricated: Be Very Afraid
  1. marcopolo says:


    Calm down! No one cares about your silly chart. You’ve been shouting the same thing over and over again for 3 years.

    You don’t hold up a chart of the thousands of times Democrat politicians lie, misspeak or just get it wrong.

    Your cries of “Wolf” no longer mean anything. No one seriously believes the President would start a Nuclear War.

    President Irump is the most militarily retrained American President in living memory. Your obsession with these fantasies is growing increasingly ludicrous. This President uses the weapon he understands best in the US arsenal, economic power. This is the weapon he knows is America’s the most effective armament.

    President Trump is not looking for long term “grand strategic alliances”. As a businessman, he understands the art of continual competition and the need for flexibility.

    He understands America can’t find a peaceful, permanent relationship with a rival like China. He understands there may only be periods of truce, but the rivalry will intensify and China will keep push American resolve for generations to come.

    The Chinese won’t thank you for grovelling or appeasement. They secretly despise such weakness. The CCP understands the can be no “co-existence” with America. For them, it’s a matter of winning.

    The old American dream of “sooner or later they will adopt American values and follow us”, will not work with this large and increasingly belligerent Dragon.

    President Trump is from an older era, a time when America was younger, expansionist and competitive, less complacent and smug.

    This President will deploy US economic might to win, using the threat of US military might only as a last resort.

    These silly charts are as discredited as your own lies. Your obsession has rendered you incapable of admitting error, or inaccuracy. You’ve slipped into a prolonged state fantasy and can’t seem to escape back to reality.