
6AarSQr0_400x400Biodiesel from used cooking oil?  Nobody’s saying you can’t do it; in fact, this is being done “as we speak.” But keep in mind that a) you need trucks to go out and collect it, and b) even if that weren’t the case, there isn’t enough of it to make a material improvement in the carbon footprint associated with transportation.


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One comment on “Biodiesel
  1. marcopolo says:


    Well said!

    Although, making your own Bio-diesel from used frying oil can be a rewarding hobby and older diesel engines can, with modification run on the fuel.

    It can also be used in stationary diesel generators and although labour intensive, can be a very interesting and satisfying hobby. (As a hobbyist, you can collect the cooking oil in an old diesel 🙂 )

    But you are quite correct, the commercial use of of bio-diesel is uneconomic and despite many $ billions spent on a plethora of similar bio-fuel projects, none has proved worthwhile or able to be scaled economically.

    Starting 30 years ago, I invested in various bio-diesel projects, all of which eventually failed.(mostly at taxpayer expense).

    During the halcyon days of rapidly increasing oil prices, bio-diesel enjoyed an investment bonanza. However, the smart money quickly sold out at the height of the boom and the industry quickly died.

    I still have a share-cropper tenant, who drives an elderly modified diesel Mercedes fueled by his own home made bio-diesel. I also have two old tractors that still run on bio-diesel. (Great fun).