Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Evolution Causes Mass Shootings

9249738_web1_L-Mass-shootings-EDH-17107Though we commonly think of each successive mass shooting as a tragedy, it may be more accurate to refer to these incidents as complex sets of interconnected tragedies.  Yes, each means the shocking and senseless killing of groups of innocent people, coupled with the agonizing loss that pierces through each victim’s family.  But sadly, there is more to it than that, when we add in: 

• The constant expansion of the frequency and scope of mass shootings makes exactly zero difference in new gun legislation.  In fact, recently we’ve seen a reverse correlation, where gun laws are becoming more relaxed as time passes and more bodies are buried.

We must live with a growing frustration that most people (speaking now for the 91% of Americans who want universal background checks for prospective gun owners) believe that the U.S. Congress feels no sense of responsibility to act on behalf of 10 out of every 11 Americans.  Every few days we get another reminder that the NRA will simply not allow us to protect ourselves from the ubiquity of weapons of war.  It’s disgusting.

• The lack of respect for science, and the growing sentiment that Christianity should be reinserted into our schools, putting asunder our separation of church and state, as suggested by the evangelical leader speaking here.

• The constant reminder of how stupid, or at least how illogical, Americans have become.  There are dozens of suspected causes for the plague of mass shooting, most of them probably false.  I love the people who believe that antidepressants are at the root here.  Um, what about the numerous other countries around the globe that consume similar amounts of these drugs per capita, but have tight gun regulation and, consequently, almost zero gun violence? Doesn’t that put something of a hole in your theory?

We just need to admit the truth: this is a sad time to be an American.  People around the world feel sorry for us; it breaks their hearts to watch the most powerful nation on Earth fall like a stone–in anything associated with intelligence or compassion.  That’s a broad swath.

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One comment on “Evangelical Leader Claims Teaching Evolution Causes Mass Shootings
  1. marcopolo says:


    Firstly, let me assure you no one outside America “feels sorry for you” !

    The issue of mass shootings is not as simple as gun control. (I wish it were).

    Mass shootings have occurred in all sorts of countries, many with strict gun control laws. Simplistic demands such as gun control won’t help, anymore than the death penalty reduces the rate of murder.

    To be effective in the US, gun control must arise from a huge shift in culture. Such a shift isn’t really possible as it would take generations and require a set of social dynamics that just won’t occur.

    Demanding governments “do something” about gun control, just shows you how powerless and irresponsible society has become. Prohibition didn’t work, any more than the prohibitionist laws against drugs.

    Shooting people is already illegal, but the shootings continue, even in states with the death penalty.

    In a nation with three times more guns than people, firearms will always be accessible. Nearly all the mass murderers would easily pass background checks or just stole/borrowed weapons.

    In truth, the US government is powerless to prevent mass shootings. In the words of the song, “When the the silicon chip inside the shooters head flips to overload” , then no law, no regulation is going to stop the killing.

    As long as the media feeds the shooter the attention and recognition they so desperately crave, the killings will continue.

    Go ahead, if it makes you feel better, campaign passionately for gun control, but it won’t change anything. What it will do, is divert energy away from finding any real solutions.