Unlimited Political Bribery

69666169_10158204590407908_8666166915724476416_nMy perception (though I could be wrong, has happened) is that Americans are starting to understand what Carter said here, and they’re not going to let it continue.

Obviously, as long as there is big money in politics, corruption is never going to be eliminated.  Having said that, the president of the United States sets the tone.  If we can get someone who’s essentially honest, it’s possible that our country can be restored to some sort of decency and again enjoy the world’s respect and admiration.

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One comment on “Unlimited Political Bribery
  1. marcopolo says:


    From a distance, the weak, indecisive and inept administration of Jimmy Carter may seem to have a certain innocent charm.

    But the reality is very different! President Carter arrived at a very low ebb in US political prestige and confidence. The nation was in almost terminal decay and exhausted.

    President Carter, although personally undoubtedly a nice sort of guy, was completely naive and ill-equipped to cope with the forces confronting America.

    His brief administration was a complete disaster! Every decision he took, (despite seeming good idea’s at the time) worked out badly. Weak and naive, Jimmy Cater meant well, but lacked the determination, skill and depth of vision required to be President.

    In better times and with better luck he may have been more successful.

    Luckily for the US, the US people recognized his inability to cope and elected a tough, shrewd and experienced President who made a huge contribution to restoring the nation.

    Dewy eyed reminiscences about this failed leader’s non-existent legacy is a waste of time.

    What should be scaring every American is the level of insanity that now passes for serious political debate among the US Left.

    In a recent New York Times article, editorial board member, Michelle Goldberg, advocates:

    “Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg’s thrilling prediction, “The year 2020 will produce a second blue wave on at least the scale of the first in 2018 and finally will crash, shatter and destroy the Republican Party! This will see the end to an ill-begotten battle to stop the “New America” from governing without the distraction of the politics of division “.

    Golberg salivates over the prospect of the destruction of the Republican Part whom she describes as “a foul agglomeration of bigotry and avarice that has turned American politics into a dystopian farce”.

    In her opinion(and that of the NYT) the GOP needs to be “just defeated but destroyed”

    In her frightening vision, “the inexorable force of demography will see all political ideology replaced by a Democratic Party “liberated from the nation’s suffocating polarization to use government to advance the public good.”

    She further claims, ” from my interviews and research I’d like to believe it, enlightened young leaders among the Democrats with strong socialist beliefs will emerge to lead the US out of the politics of division and into a state where the Democrat Party can provide all the choice the people need in a democracy.

    He finishes her tirade with the call to arms advocating changes to the “out of Date” constitution to allow these events to take place. In her opinion, adherence to an “obsolete scrap of paper, written by racist old white men hundreds of years ago” , must not frustrate the wishes of an “enlightened movement” from establishing American socialism.

    Her call, although not actually spelt out, is nevertheless clearly advocating over turning the US Constitution and establishing a One Party state.

    As of yet, not one major Democrat candidate has spoken out against such nonsense.

    To be fair, the NYT editor did publish a small by line some days after, saying “the views and opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of the NYT”

    Craig, this sort of dangerous advocacy is the result of all your navel gazing and lack of willingness to criticize those of the left.

    Your own blind prejudice is leading to the creation of dangerous leftist political extremists.

    It starts with excusing public officials like former FBI Director James Comey from committing reprehensible and even criminal acts, which you then justify because you dislike Trump.

    In your obsessive hatred of the incumbent President, you’ve fallen into the trap of justifying any misbehavior on the grounds of “the end justifies the means”.

    This is a very slippery slope, and never ends well…..