Celebrating Diversity

71834797_2135683290059238_3476361828055908352_nReading this statement from the former Prime Minister of Canada is a shocking experience.  “A society which emphasizes uniformity is one that creates intolerance and hate.” Wow.

There are people who are saying that in the United States, but they’re viewed as radicals.  Here, we are more comfortable regarding people of other races and religions with contempt, as if they are vermin–and especially if they’re poor.  Stay out, or, if that’s impossible because of some goddamn liberal civil rights law, stay invisible.

Now, of course, singling out the U.S. for its intolerance is both unfair and just plain incorrect, as a quick tour through virtually any part of the rest of the world will prove in an instant.  Visitors to the Balkans see this immediately. Even today, 30 year after the attempted genocide/”ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia & Herzegovina, the license plates on cars give no reference as to what part of the country the driver hails from.  Why? The Roman Catholic Croats and the Orthodox Christian Serbs still hate the guts of the Muslim Bosnians, and indicating who’s who is a quick route to vandalism–or worse.

Regarding different people as “the other” and the tribalism surrounding one’s own race and culture is something that appears to be wired into human DNA.  Blogging at 2GreenEnergy is not going to change that; nor is anything else, for that matter.  And it just may prove to be our undoing.

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