
UntitledTo my shame, I’ve never attended a Bioneers conference, but as suggested in this pic I just took, that’s about to change.

Founded in 1990, Bioneers is a nonprofit organization that promotes practical and innovative solutions to global environmental and bio-cultural challenges, and is also widely recognized for producing innovative media covering subjects such as environmentalism, rights of nature, social justice, sustainability and permaculture.

Like everyone on Earth I’m sure, I make predictions as to what upcoming events in my life are going to be like.  Here I would say this will probably be three days of fantastically interesting conversations with people of intelligence and compassion in an extremely stimulating setting.  Kinda like the music festivals I attend, though, in this case, probably with less marijuana in the air.

Then I’m going to leave, and at some point I’ll have the abrupt reminder to the effect that the real world isn’t composed exclusively of committed environmentalists; there are rude drivers, climate deniers, and people with MAGA hats.  That’s always a shock to the system.

In any case, I hope to run into at least a few 2GE readers.  Please let me know if you’re coming, and let’s meet for an early morning coffee or a late afternoon beer.

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