“Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President”

Here’s a short conversation between two school mates and me:

Morrie: The author of this article, Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President, is a retired US Navy Admiral. My question to those you who continue to support Donald Trump: what is it going to take for you to change your mind? 2nd question: did you feel the same away about Richard Nixon and Watergate?
Craig: Re: your first question, I’ve asked that many times, only to conclude that there is no answer. Every time I think he’s crossed the line for these people, I’ve been wrong.
DukeThat’s what I thought about Clinton and Obama. Moral of the story: you either like somebody or you don’t.
Craig: Part of it is simply a matter of opinion, as you point out, but I don’t recall the senior military people in those earlier administrations explaining that their commander in chief was actively destroying the United States.  If McRaven were alone, this subject might not be a huge deal, but, as we know, he has plenty of company.  
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One comment on ““Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President”
  1. marcopolo says:


    Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice as she observed the gathering ’round the cracker barrel more and more resembling the Mad Hatter’s tea party!

    The hatred of “never Trumpers” has produced an odd coterie of strange bedfellows!

    Various retired military figures and ‘cold War” warriors yearning for the good old days of endless wars and espionage, along with aging leftist, celebrities, Californian middle-class ex-hippies, dreaming of another Woodstock or Folk revival, the sad ramblings and fantasies of the NYT and CNN,…well the list goes on and on.

    The power of the old Washington elite is being eradicated along with huge swathes of an overblown bureaucracy by a very unconventional, if somewhat crude, new broom!

    Shock, horror! In three short years the world has been turned upside down! An American President who candidly talks in terms the ordinary man can understand. A President who enunciates ‘realpolitik’ openly and unapologetically.

    It’s not the end of the ‘American republic” or the end of the world! But it just might be the end of the world for a small group of smug, sanctimonious Washington elite and a leftist crowd of deluded pundits sitting around cracker barrels in America.

    Confusing your little world around the cracker barrel with the real world, means sooner or later reality will intrude, and reality can be a real bitch!

    When even anti-Trump publications like the The Atlantic publish articles such as Peter Beinart’s “The Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Syria”, something is going sadly amiss.

    That’s the real problem for both the Democrats and cracker barrel pundits, is how to hate Trump’s policies when they comply your own demands, without seeming a hypocrite?

    Elizabeth Warren complained the United States should only have withdrawn its troops from northern Syria “through a negotiated solution.”

    Shortly after, when asked about Afghanistan, she rejected that very same principle.

    ABC’s David Muir asked whether she would “bring American troops home starting right now with no deal with the Taliban.” Warren replied, “Yes.”

    When asked to explain the difference, she refused to answer.

    Refusing to answer difficult questions, seems to be the new style for Democrats.