Book Publishing Has Hot Moments

Environmentalist Paul Hawken ended his talk today at the Bioneers conference with a story about the publishing of his latest book Drawdown, that presents the myriad ways of reversing the decline of our ecosystems.  Apparently, Penguin Random House had heartburn about releasing another book on climate change/eco-disaster.  “These books don’t sell,” said someone in a last-minute come-to-Jesus meeting that would decide the book’s fate.

Hawken understood.  Trying to be funny, he replied, “I get it. Would a book called Uninhabitable Earth be good bedtime reading?”

Ideas were volleyed back and forth for a while longer, until eventually the company’s CEO said, “If we don’t publish this book, what are we here for?”

Not another word was spoken.


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One comment on “Book Publishing Has Hot Moments
  1. marcopolo says:


    Yes, it does speak volumes about the ennui of the average man toward endless alarmist sermons.

    It also speaks volumes about the passion and desire of academics, advocates, would be prophets to see themselves in print and read by their peers and acolytes.

    Paul Hawken, and his fellow preachers at the Bioneers talkfest all have something to add to the ongoing public debate. In any free society it’s important for as many and as varied voices be heard as possible.

    Unfortunately, ‘debate’ and inquiry is often be woven into doctrine with a strict political/ideological agenda. This hardens into a disciplined, ridged intolerant ‘movement’ determined to impose itself by crushing all debate and demanding punishment for heretics and dissenters.