Trump’s Future

Acquittal in the Senate.  Re-election next November. Resignation.  Impeachment, removal, conviction on multiple felonies, prison.  Escape with his family to Russia.

We’ve all seen the predictions, like the one on the left. 

Like so many other similar ideas, it suggests that America is undergoing an aberration and that it stands on the brink of a renaissance in which its people realize the horrible mistake they’ve made and come back to the days in which brother stood shoulder together with brother.

First, note that such days never existed–but that’s not the issue.

Understand that when you drive down the main drag of a town that represents the overall demographics of the U.S, and you look at the people walking on the sidewalk, four out of ten of them, almost half,  believe that Trump is making America great again.

Then ask yourself what it takes to hold that belief: white supremacy, indifference to suffering, climate change denial, alternative facts, enemy status of the free press, Putin is trustworthy and the 17 intelligence agencies are not.

The comparison to Hitler isn’t fair.  The German people didn’t know about Auschwitz and Treblinka.  Most of what Trump is doing is open for everyone to see; it would be impossible to miss.

Does it seem credible that these people are going to wake up one morning and ask themselves “What was I thinking?”

Not to me.

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One comment on “Trump’s Future
  1. marcopolo says:


    Why, oh why, do you keep torturing yourself, and others, with these hysterical fantasies?

    Why must nearly 50% of the American people believe in:

    ” white supremacy, indifference to suffering, climate change denial, alternative facts, enemy status of the free press, Putin is trustworthy and the 17 intelligence agencies are not” ?

    Are all Hispanic, Arican-American, Asian-American, Native-American and Jewish American Trump supporters “White Supremacists?”.

    Is not trusting the CIA mean you’re a right wing fanatic?

    Does supporting the President’s campaign for free speech make a person an enemy of the “free press”.

    Or a these just more wild exaggerations and distortions by you?

    Somehow, you always seem to work in Hitler and Auschwitz into any diatribe, well I suggest you consider the following;

    James Clapper, former President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence and CNN talking head, was asked if he was worried the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia Investigation might implicate senior members of the intelligence community in wrong doing, including himself.

    James Clapper replied:

    “No, I don’t think there was any wrongdoing, I was just trying to help the country. If there was wrongdoing, it was not my fault, I was just following the orders of my superiors” .

    When pressed as to who were his “superiors”, he became coy but did add:

    “The risk Trump Presidency seemed to pose a real threat that US policy toward Russia may change. All of us were trying to navigate a very, very difficult, politically fraught highly charged situation.”

    “For my part, my main concern was the Russians, and the threat posed by the Russians” After a puase to gather his thoughts Calpper continued,” …to our very political fabric. Our country would be in danger if there was a change in policy. I believed such a possibility should be prevented by any means”.

    James Clapper went on to infer this was also the opinion of John Brennan, James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

    This is straight from the horse’s mouth !

    Not allegations, not “fake news” , but a very senior former intelligence director admitting to forming a conspiracy with other intelligence agencies to usurp the powers granted by the US Constitution on only the President and attempt to conduct an illegal coup-d’etat or putsch!

    James Clapper stands as a self-confessed traitor! (albeit a deluded conspirator) The question that really needs investigating is who did he consider his superiors ?

    Does the trail lead to the Democrat Party Campaign HQ, HC, Biden, or all the way to very top?

    Will that be your excuse for all your deceptions ? You were just “following orders”?