Ford’s EV Messaging Leaves Something To Be Desired

This isn’t an auspicious start to Ford’s campaign to become a leading player in electric transportation.  They ask: Who says EVs aren’t fun to drive?

Uh, no one? The EV adoption curve may be limited by range anxiety or the inconvenience of charging station locations, but it certainly isn’t by the lack of thrill that derives from driving a car whose maximum torque is at zero RPMs, thus accelerating like a rocket, beating motorcycles off the line.


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One comment on “Ford’s EV Messaging Leaves Something To Be Desired
  1. marcopolo says:


    Okay, well done! You’ve just made a snide attack on one of the earliest pioneers of EV transport!

    So, tell us all about the EV’s you’ve owned? What’s that? None?

    Yet you mock Ford…….