Anti-Trump Sentiment Has Its Lighter Side

Comments on the pic at left:

Jean: I have a “my dog is smarter than your president'” but I’m too scared of the Trump supporters to put it on my car. 

Me:  Love it!  I’m with you, Jean.  My car wouldn’t last 10 minutes up here in “God’s country” with that bumper sticker on it.

Charles: I think I have you all beaten:

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One comment on “Anti-Trump Sentiment Has Its Lighter Side
  1. marcopolo says:


    Do you really think such bumper stickers and other forms of abuse contribute to lessening the toxicity of American politics?

    At the moment, the main complaint of Trump supporters is the mainstream media, Democrat legislators and Attorneys-general, along with a slew of commentators are all focused on a blind hatred of the President and an obsessive refusal to accept the result of the 2016 election.

    Their complaint is not without merit. Trump supporters complain hatred of President Trump is not due to his policies but focused on a hatred of him personally and the concept that his supporters are somehow lesser citizens.

    This is the consequence of the attitude of Washington careerist elite and epitomized by Hillary Clinton’s notorious “deplorables” speech.

    Supposing, trump’s enemies achieve their objective, leaving nearly 50% of the nation feeling bitterly cheated and dispossessed of their participation in US politics, is that really what you want?

    At some point all Americans are going to have to accept responsibility for the bitterness and hurt they have caused their fellow citizens.

    Just shouting, I’m right and ignoring your own culpability will only breed more bitterness and resentment.