More on Gun Violence Prevention

What a coincidence.  Shortly after I wrote this post: U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) Speaks on Gun Violence Prevention, I ran across this quote from U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, who was around when I was a boy.

Well over 90% of Americans want to see some sort of common sense guns laws passed, at the top of the list of which is universal background checks for prospective gun owners. Yet we can’t even have a discussion on the subject of the floor of the U.S. Senate because the National Rifle Association has these people in its pockets.

It’s disgusting.

Getting money out of politics is a top priority, and good news: it’s possible that this will happen if a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren gets to the White House in 2020.

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One comment on “More on Gun Violence Prevention
  1. marcopolo says:


    ” The National Rifle Association has these people (Senators) in its pockets”.

    Why parrot old and absurd cliches? Why ? As passionate as you may be to see gun law reform ( a very laudable objective) why do feel it necessary to talk such errant nonsense?

    Bernie Saunders and Elizabeth Warren wouldn’t change anything. Both are supported, and debt to, huge billionaire donors.

    No President can change the law, that requires Congress. In this case gun reform is possibly impossible to change except by a constitutional amendment.

    All politicians understand the impracticability of such a measure being achieved in their term of office, so it simply gets put in the too hard basket.

    If 90% of people really wanted gun reform, then no politician, no matter how heavily bribed, could resist a challenge.

    In truth, “some form of gun control” is a sort of motherhood question put by pollsters. It’s not high on most people agenda and Senators understand it’s not a vote winner or loser.

    Just blaming the NRA is pointless.