Trump to Pay Scottish Government $290,000 in Attorneys’ Fees Over Wind Power Dispute

Donald Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf resort must pay the Scottish government’s legal costs following a court battle over a major North Sea wind power development.  He had battled unsuccessfully in the courts to halt the project (a total of 11 turbines) before he became U.S. president, and judges have now ruled Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd should pay the legal bills incurred.

Trump and wind power haven’t exactly been on friendly terms.  Americans are still wondering how a sane and even vaguely informed person could assert that wind turbines cause cancer.  The growth of the wind industry might be the kind of thing the authority of The Serenity Prayer meant when he wrote “accept the things I cannot change.”

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One comment on “Trump to Pay Scottish Government $290,000 in Attorneys’ Fees Over Wind Power Dispute
  1. marcopolo says:


    I can see Donald Trump’s point of view. He spent millions creating a golf course in an area renowned for it’s ancient landscape and bringing sustainable employment to an otherwise economically depressed area.

    It must be very exasperating to have the landscape and golf facility ruined by unsightly, noisy, enormous wind turbines.

    I was mor fortunate in my area where we were able to obtain first and injunction then a permanent zoning restriction against these ungainly monsters.

    The jury is still out on the long term effect of these machines on human health. Personally, I doubt most of the more outlandish claims, but perfectly sane and informed people, including reputable medical experts have raised both helth and environmental concerns regarding the wind industry.