Taking Racial Hatred out of the Hands of the Amateurs

Hard to know what to say about this one.  I guess: There are racists, and then there are racists.

Obviously, Trump appeals to white nationalists like no political figure since George Wallace, but don’t most of these people have some level of respect and appreciation for people who risked their lives to defend their freedom?


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One comment on “Taking Racial Hatred out of the Hands of the Amateurs
  1. marcopolo says:


    You can’t stop can you ? Despite President trump’s dramatic increases in support among blue collar black Americans, especially black female voters, you have to beat the same old drum.

    The President has repeatedly stated he has no wish to deport illegal migrant who have served in the military and asked Congress to change the Obama era law compelling him to do so, you blame him for not continuously “deferring” the law by administrative decree (not constitutional).

    Why won’t the democrat controlled Congresssimply change the law?

    The answer is obvious! Congress will not change the law as long as “never Trumper’s can” blame the President.

    These Veterans are the victims of cynical Democrat political hypocrisy.

    Shame on them and you for using their plight to further your hatred against President Trump.