Solid Moral Grounding

I wrote a short piece on values earlier today: Teachable Moments In Our Nation’s Capitol.  Here’s another, focusing on the meme to the left.

Both of my kids will need to earn a living, I’m happy to report.  Of course, I sometimes wonder what they would do with their lives if that weren’t the case.  It’s during those moments that I’d certainly like to think they would have a better moral grounding than the two featured here.

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One comment on “Solid Moral Grounding
  1. marcopolo says:


    Boy, you don’t give up with the divisive hatred do you?

    Let’s have a look at the record of the two people you are vilifying shall we?

    Secretary Betsy Devos is not ” devoting her life to “defunding schools and special Olympics”, those are just trite politically biased slogans.

    Secretary Devos has spent a lifetime involved in public service.

    Prior to becoming United States Secretary of Education, she served as a founding member of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, Chairperson of the board of the Alliance for School Choice. the Acton Institute and the All Children Matter Campaign.

    After graduating from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with a Bachelor of Arts degree and Masters in Business Economics,she pursued an active business career financing and promoting the Windquest Group. Windquest invests in sustainable technology, environmental manufacturing, and clean energy!

    (She owns a Tesla model S)

    Windquest has invested more than $100 million per year in clean energy projects.

    Her DeVos Foundation is listed by Forbes as No. 24 in America’s top ‘givers’ having donated more than $189 million in charitable contributions.

    Besty Devos broke the class ceiling when she was elected for 16 consecutive two-year terms as a local precinct delegate, Republican National Committeewoman for the Michigan Republican Party and chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.

    Until she persisted these roles were considered “male only”.

    You may oppose her policies or even her politics, but what reason do you have to vilify her personally simply because her political views you don’t share?

    Yes, she was born the daughter of a self made billionaire. her father began his career earning 40 cents and hour.

    I would imagine any father would be proud to have such a strong, principled and public spirited daughter.

    Let’s see what’s so bad about Erik Prince?

    When still a high school student, Erik Prince visited the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, a divided Berlin, and the Normandy beaches.

    The impression gained from those experiences decide the yough Erik to pursue a career in the military.

    While attending Hillsdale College where he gained a degree in economics, he served as a volunteer firefighter and a cold-water diver for the Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Department. He also qualified as an emergency medical technician.

    After graduating, Erik Prince obtained a commission in the United States Navy and become a Navy SEAL, leading a SEAL Team 8 to Haiti, the Middle East, and the Balkans. He’s a decorated veteran.

    Prince was forced to end his U.S. Navy service prematurely due to the sudden death of his father and the need to run the family business until it could be sold to Johnson Controls.

    Your lurid description of Erik Prince’s security contractors as “private mercenaries” is not only insulting but inaccurate.

    The US Government has a long history of using contracted security forces. These security forces operate by the same “Terms of Engagement” as regular US forces.

    The personnel are subject to the same penalties and code of conduct. They protect, often as great personnel sacrifice, US personnel and logistics.

    Erik prince believes he is serving to prevent the sort of injustices he witnessed when viewing Dachau and later the the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

    These events along with others made him decide in his only words, “It really bothered me. It made me realize you can’t sit back and pontificate. You have to act”.
    Oh, yeah, now I understand your hatred and animosity!

    These two siblings are real “doer’s” , not just talkers.

    They accomplish their dreams and are willing to make great personal sacrifices to help their nation and their fellow Americans.

    You, on he other hand, just ‘pontificate’ around a cracker barrel.

    Yeah, I can see how that would make you a little envious!

    Hey, but don’t get me wrong ! Just because I don’t agree with some people in public life, I can still admire sincere opponents and appreciate not only their contribution, but the value of their sacrifice.