Teachable Moments In Our Nation’s Capitol

There is no value in my being too rancorous about this impeachment proceedings, but nor is there value in ignoring them altogether, and the meme at left is a good example of the reason why that is, i.e., these are teachable moments.

We want our children to be brave and honest, and remain steadfastly loyal to the truth over everything else.  We do not want our children to toss their integrity aside simply because they’re terrified of the consequences doing what they know to be the right thing.

Jake and Valerie (pictured here about 15 years ago):  I hope Mom and I have driven this home to you, and that you’ll do the same when you have kids of your own.

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One comment on “Teachable Moments In Our Nation’s Capitol
  1. marcopolo says:


    Thank you for sharing these pictures of your children.

    I’m not sure about the value of raising children to follow the values of any particular political ideology or or creed simply because they are my values.

    I realize it isn’t particularly fashionable, but I’ve tried to raise my children to have open, tolerant and inquiring minds. I hope i raised them to have sufficient knowledge and education to discover for themselves the values and philosophies to live satisfying and productive lives.

    I was a appalled by Lt Col Vindman testimony and conduct. As a long serving military officer and veteran myself, I’m astonished and saddened at the sight of a serving officer believing he has a right to usurp the Constitution and decide foreign policy out of loyalty to a previous administration.

    If Vindman wishes to become a political activist, he is quite entitled to resign his position and as a private citizen run for office.

    The US Constitution is quite clear, decisions regarding foreign policy are reserved for the elected President alone. The President alone is responsible to Congress and the American people for foreign policy, not a cabal of unelected officials acting as an illegal “resistance” movement.

    Government officials can’t just decide for themselves what is “the right thing” and act in defiance of elected authority while remaining employed as public servants.

    In applauding the actions of these people you are creating a very dangerous precedent. It may seem beneficial today in your hatred of President Trump, but wait until the circumstances are reversed.