Pro-Trump Evangelical: Sin, Not Carbon Dioxide, Is What’s Driving Climate Change

While this may not sound perfectly scientific, I don’t have a problem using the word “sin” to describe what’s driving climate change.  In fact, if I were a religious person, I don’t think I could find a better term to characterize the greed and selfishness that lie behind our civilization’s continuing practices that trap increasing amounts of radiant energy from solar heat under the atmospheric blanket. 

During a recent appearance on “The Jim Bakker Show,” Religious Right activist Mary Colbert (pictured) asserted that climate change is the result of human sin and is being manipulated by Satan to influence humanity. “The thing that man needs to do is repent,” she said.

We agree here too.  Repentance, if it’s followed by reducing carbon, is also a terrific idea.

And Mary, that outfit, with the contrasting Christmas greenery in the background, looks great on you.

See?  We’re really not that far apart here.  Who says I can’t get along with these people?  Pass the hot mulled wine.

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One comment on “Pro-Trump Evangelical: Sin, Not Carbon Dioxide, Is What’s Driving Climate Change
  1. marcopolo says:


    Indeed, why not ! Long ago you and your little band around the cracker barrel abandoned real science and rational reasoning to form you own blend of “faith’ based climate change activism infused with Leftist political doctrines.

    Sooner or later, you were bound to find commonality with fundamentalists and commence enjoying the prospect of burning heretics and dissidents at the stake.

    But, be careful, as you have already discovered, fanaticism and “true belief” is a far more heady intoxicant than mulled wine!