Climate Change Mitigation

As this cartoon reminds us, all the actions we are (or should be) taking to mitigate the effects of climate change have benefits that transcend their main intended purpose.

Global warming is anything but a hoax. In fact, it’s been understood at some level since 1896, when Sweden’s Svante Arrhenius became the first scientist to quantify the effects of man-made carbon dioxide on global temperatures. He calculated that doubling the atmospheric level of the gas from its concentration in his time would raise the average mid-latitude temperature by 5 to 6 degrees C, which, astonishingly, isn’t too far from the latest results.

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One comment on “Climate Change Mitigation
  1. marcopolo says:


    Y’know it is possible to write about and even advocate environmental concerns without adopting an hysterical alarmist posture.

    Do yourself a favour and check out the advocacy style of the very credible Michael Shellenberger.

    Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment” and Green Book Award Winner.

    He’s also a frequent contributor to The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and other publications. His TED talks have been viewed over four million times.

    His influence, charm and willingness to patiently and objectively debate environmental issues should serve as a lesson to all eager advocates.

    Check out his recent article in Forbes.