Vote! Oh, Sorry, Did I Say Something Wrong?

This cartoon makes an interesting point.  One would think that encouraging Americans to vote would be a message that everyone can get behind.  Doesn’t democracy thrive when its people participate in it?  Isn’t that a good thing?

Yet strangely, this is more than a little controversial, as I can attest, simply from living in a small “God-and-country,” flag-flying, Trump-supporting town near Santa Barbara, CA.  In fact, we have protesters with signs at our farmer’s market each week, merely asking everyone to vote, and they’re met with harsh criticism, especially in social media.  “Can’t they mind their own business?”

The issue, obviously, is that older people/conservatives turn out in far higher percentages than younger people/liberals.  In 2016, 58% of the eligible voters showed up, the Democrats won the popular vote by almost three million ballots, but that was not enough to prevent Trump from becoming president.  If that figure gets anywhere near 65%, Trump, assuming he’s still here, will lose in a landslide, as the huge advantage he enjoys because of our electoral college will be overwhelmed by the sheer number of votes against him in the swing states he carried in 2016.

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One comment on “Vote! Oh, Sorry, Did I Say Something Wrong?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Let me see if I understand you correctly?

    You are not advocating people stood vote from civic duty, but because you hope that somehow those who currently don’t care enough to vote might magically vote against Trump if they did?

    So, if I’m right, you don’t actually want an increase in those exercising the right to vote as a civic duty, but as sort of zombie cyphers for your obsessive hatred?

    Good luck with that! Democrats like you are the modern day versions of the Bourbons about whom it was said, “they forgot nothing and learned nothing”.