Examining Climate Change Denial

As shown here, when it comes to climate change denial, the leading three counties are the U.S., the U.K., and Australia (in that order).

We might have guessed that it’s a coincidence that each of the three is English-speaking, until we realize that the climate change counter movement is comprised of 91 separate organizations, with annual funding, collectively, of “just over $900 million.” And they all speak English.

More analysis of this subject here.  I can’t imagine trying to live with myself knowing that my life’s work is ensuring that billions of people suffer.  Maybe I’m strange; some have suggested that over the course of my life, to be sure.

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One comment on “Examining Climate Change Denial
  1. marcopolo says:


    The Ipsos MORI poll which conducted the survey also asked the same sample in 2017, the question;

    “Do scientists really know what they are talking about on environmental issues”.

    The result should and average of only 44% in agreement, with even countries like Sweden, where only 31% of respondents agreed, the UK with 40%, surprisingly the US at 50%,but Canada 33%, France 42%, Australia 38% and Denmark only 48%.

    What the surveys do show (despite the strange methodology) is those nations with a long tradition of healthy skepticism in public life, freedom of the press and stable, liberal democracies seem to think for themselves as opposed to societies with long traditions of authoritarianism.

    A 2016 poll revealed conducted among Western nations revealed 78% of people believed climate change would cause the Island nation of Tuvalu to be uninhabitable by 2025 due to sea rise flooding the islands.

    In fact, over the last 4 decades the islands comprising the nation of Tuvalu have increased, not decreased, in land surface by 11.7% !

    The polls themselves are are of increasingly dubious merit due to a number of factors, not the least of which is the difficult of reaching a representative sample.

    Bewailing heretics and “sinners” for doubting your ideology only shows that either the song or the singer is inadequate. (or maybe both).

    Since the result of the UK general election (which the Guardian predicted as a Labour Victory)it has been revealed the BBC has maintained a policy of excluding anyone organization or individual expressing any form of dissent from Climate change orthodoxy.

    The revelation of this information led to a spike in the unpopularity of environmental policies. The British public automatically distrust anything they believe is being forced upon them without adequate debate.

    The general public is quite receptive of well reasoned, rational information, but most unwilling to be badgered, lectured and sermonized by alarmist fanatics.