Senate Impeachment “Trial” Tests Conscience of a Nation

To Dan Rather’s point here: Sadly, at this point it appears that it doesn’t matter where the “conscience of the nation” falls. We know that 72% of Americans want a trial with evidence and witnesses, and it’s not like McConnell isn’t aware of that. He knows that his conduct is abhorrent to the nation, but he simply doesn’t care. Unless something unexpected happens, and most of us pray it does, this looks like the end of the line on this, at least for now.

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One comment on “Senate Impeachment “Trial” Tests Conscience of a Nation
  1. marcopolo says:


    ” We know that 72% of Americans want a trial with evidence and witnesses”.

    Nope, that’s just not true! In fact, 53% of polled Americans don’t want a trial at all!

    You seem to have the concept of a “trial” and an “inquiry” confused.(Perhaps you watch too many TV shows).

    A trial is not a stage in an investigative process. A trial begins at the end of the investigative process when the prosecution, or accuser, has gathered sufficient evidence to establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

    Nor can the prosecution select only those witnesses to suit the accuser. The accuser must have the case complete before entering the court. Witnesses, apart from some limited expert witness testimony, must be restricted to personal, first hand knowledge about the evidence. Not conjecture or opinion, actual knowledge.

    BTW, speaking of witnesses, it is now emerging why the Democrats are so coy about producing their star witness, the not so secret “Whistle-blower”.

    It would appear the “whistleblower” is none other than one Eric Ciaramella. Mr Ciaramella is employed as a CIA analyst/ operative.

    In 2017 Mr Ciaramella began to recruit other members of the White house staff still loyal to the Obama administration and its objectives, into a sort of “resistance ” group whose objective was explore ways to “remove the newly elected President from office”.

    In the words of one former White house operative (a life long Democrat) “They weren’t just bent on subverting his agenda,They were plotting to actually have him removed from office using the resources of the CIA and FBI.”

    Evidence is emerging that a fellow plotter and recruiter for the “resistance ” is one Sean Misko.

    Misko, was a White House staffer and Obama/Clinton loyalist. It appears that Misko who was captured on tape speaking to Ciaramella about the need to “take out,” or remove, President Trump.

    Misko left the White House 2018 to work for Rep. Adam Schiff’s committee. Misko was given the task of providing “guidance and support’ for members of the “resistance movement” who were federal employees or intelligence agents who didn’t like the administrations policies.

    The plot starts to thicken when it was revealed that Ciaramella may have obtained details of the July 25 Trump-Ukraine phone call from a National Security Council aide, Alexander Vindman.

    Like Ciaramella, Vindman expressed disdain for Trump stating, “Trump can’t be allowed to destroy Omaba’s legacy with these policies. He must be stopped” .

    It would appear a case exists for an investigation into the extent of organized omissions and deception have been perpetrated by a number of intelligence operatives and Obama staffers in relation to the inquiry by the Inspector-General.

    The links to Rep. Adam Schiff and the DNC are exceedingly murky and Rep. Schiff’s answers have so far been evasive and belligerent.

    These Impeachment proceedings are not a suitable forum for these questions to be answered. The case being currently tried is simple and the President will be acquitted along party lines with maybe some Democrat defectors.

    However, the issue of a “resistance” collaboration involving politicians,unelected officials and members of the intelligence community, covertly acting in concert to usurp and subvert the authority of elected authority, is far more serious.

    This issue strikes at the heart of US democratic institutions. Such actions are dangerous long after this Presidency.

    The hatred of this President must not be allowed to become the excuse that justifies the dismantling of the principle of a Republic where elected authority is supreme.