U.S. Politics Inflicts Real Suffering

As far as I’m concerned, the Trump administration has been the only “house on fire” incident in U.S. politics.  Yes, it could be argued that Jackson was a butcher, that Harding and Nixon were criminals, that Bush 43 was a moron, or anything else you please.  But now the man in the oval office is a pathological liar who criminally abuses his power for his own gain, a man in comparison to whom any of these grotesque figures from previous administrations would be considered saints.

There is a majority of Americans, albeit a slim one, who want to see Trump removed.  They now realize that it’s not going to happen, and they’re most unhappy.

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One comment on “U.S. Politics Inflicts Real Suffering
  1. marcopolo says:


    In the words of another Famous Republican to a democrat “there you go again”!

    A majority of Americans do not want to see the President removed. That was never true!

    The most recent gallop poll puts the President’s approval rating at 49% while an aggregate of the 12 major polls, reveals 54% of Americans in favor of acquittal,and 42% in favor of convicting. When asked specifically the prospect of removing Trump from office and forbidding him running in 2020, only 27% of respondents agreed with 71% opposed.

    (The interesting take on changing this poll question, was the sudden drop of ‘decided’ responses).

    But what the hey? You’ll continue repeating your desperate lie in the hope it might become true if you just wish hard enough!

    From the disastrous shambles that was the Iowa primary vote (if you can’t even run a little primary how do you hope to run the nation), it appears Joe Biden is finished. (despite offering to beat up any nearby octogenarian handicaps pensioners in the audience).

    Bernie Saunders has shown his dedicated group of supporters are loyal, organized and stubbornly persistent, even if diminished in number this time around.

    Pete Buttigieg has shown himself to be a far more cunning and stylish campaigner than any one gave him credit for, and seizes every opportunity to reach out to uncommitted voters.

    Elizabeth Warren is still in the fight, primarily leading the most bitter “never Trumper’s”, slowly her support is ebbing away.

    The wild card is billionaire Mike Bloomberg, the media mogul and former New York mayor, with his platform of ” Only I can defeat Trump, because I have the resources and the big-city track record , but mostly I have the resources! I will spend two or three billion dollars before it’s over”.

    I’m not sure how even the most desperate of democrats will respond to a complete abandonment of all their principles, just to “buy” an election. Could the Democrat really delude themselves that far?

    The real test for nomination will be in the big cities of east and west coasts. Will Bernie’s idealists gather strength among the big colleges, or will Elizabeth Warren do better where “never Trumper’s’ are thicker?

    Can Pete Buttigieg appeal in California and among other more moderate suburbanites?

    Or will Bloomberg’s billions seduce the party faithful.

    Meanwhile, in the other corner waits the reining champion. The Champ has emerged tougher and undamaged from his recent fights.

    His supporters rank have swelled, particular among working class black women, Hispanics and blue collar workers.

    No President has weathered such a storm of media opposition, hatred and vilification and emerged relatively unscathed.

    The President await his opponent, knowing in his heart the only person who can beat him in November, is himself!

    Of his likely opponents,Saunders is “yesterday’s man”. Preaching old fashioned ideals and long outdated policies that appeal to only 25-30% of voters.

    Warren is too bitter, dishonest, and her platform doesn’t bear scrutiny.

    Pete Buttigieg is too young, controversial and lightweight to take on a campaigning street fighter like Trump.

    the leaves only Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg is a heavyweight. Unscrupulous, ruthless and rich. His media savvy is without question, but in a contest, even with all that money, it’s doubtful whether any of Trump’s supporters would waiver.

    In fact, may democrats may abstain from voting if Bloomberg is the candidate, while others may secretly even vote for Trump.

    With the Impeachment out of the way, China weakened by internal problems and the regime losing prestige by defeats in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Iran subdued, the middle East Peace plan gathering support, Syria and Russia mollified, and Brexit completed, the President has a breathing space to consolidate his relatively border program and turn his attention to re-election.

    I would not be surprised if the rumors that President Trump is thinking of replacing Mike Pence with a young, female Black GOP politician as his running mate.( Carol Swain has been mentioned).

    The same rumor machine has also floated the idea of a female Latino GOP candidate for VP.

    Given the lack of females, especially black or Hispanic in GOP ranks, the rumor sounds far-fetched, but then we are talking about Donald Trump so anything is possible !