Bad News….For the Nation’s Most Heartless

Those who revel in the suffering and death of elephants, rhinos, lions, and tigers are licking their own wounds today, as the Trump administration disbanded its advisory board created to help boost trophy hunting and relax federal rules for importing the heads and hides of big game animals.  Created by then-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who was forced to resign amid a corruption scandal, the council decided to demobilize after a judge ruled that environmental groups could challenge its legitimacy in court, as The Associated Press reported.

Above we see Trump himself defending his sons’ right to shoot the leopard whose carcass Eric proudly holds, standing next to Don Jr, both men beaming with joy.





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One comment on “Bad News….For the Nation’s Most Heartless
  1. marcopolo says:


    Don’t you just hate anything even vaguely connected with the name Trump don’t you?

    It must be especially great when you can also hate anything else that brings pleasure to others who don’t share your sanctimonious hypocrisy.

    All over the world, trophy hunting is being carefully encouraged a s a method of preserving species of wild game, especially predators, which are in danger of extinction.

    Early humans survived as a species because they were very efficient hunters and gathers. (But primarily hunters).

    Trophy hunting often provides the only value added, high return. economic basis to maintain game parks and reserves.

    Trophy hunters provide a sound commercial reason in developing countries to prevent poaching and provide an viable alternative to prevent habitat loss from human encroachment.

    Trophy hunting also provides a profitable method of culling overly numerous predators, disease and preventing over grazing.

    Trophy hunters also remove aging large predators who are inclined to roam beyond game preserves and become man killers creating unpopularity for game parks among local populations.

    Trophy hunters require a much higher standard of travel, accommodation, equipment, facilities etc, all of which creates a lot more local employment and economic activity.

    Like most of your sanctimony, you don’t care about the welfare of the animals, preserving species, etc, nope you mostly car about political point scoring and like the true puritans resent anyone with a different lifestyle.