Thanks To Everyone Who Helped 2GreenEnergy Achieve This Milestone

This is our 10,000th blog post here.  It contains no political rant, viewpoints on cleantech, or pleas for environmental stewardship…just gratitude.

Thanks to our many commenters, content contributors, interns, graphic artists, video producers, web designers, TV and radio hosts who’ve had me on their shows, college professors who’ve made my books mandatory reading, trade show marketing partners, subject matter experts who volunteered for interviews, proofreaders, book publishers, and especially, to our clients. 


2GreenEnergy’s Clients

Over the years, many dozens of entities, large and small, have trusted us with projects that have included finding sources of investment capital, grant requests, market research, branding and positioning, online marketing and SEO, business plan development, public relations, establishment of strategic business and sales channels partners, engineering consulting, IP protection, and most of all, at least in terms of volume, many dozens of different writing projects.

On a pro bono basis, we’ve done everything from advocacy work and public speaking to helping students ranging from elementary school to graduate programs with their academic projects.


Thank You

I’m told that we’ve contributed a great deal to our clients’ success, and I know that’s true.  I know as well that we’ve worked hard and learned a great deal along the way.

I’m especially gratified that, almost 11 years after its launch, 2GreenEnergy is regarded by people all over the world as a reasoned and trustworthy source for news and ideas on the key issues facing our civilization at this critical juncture.

Again, thanks to everyone who’s helped.


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10 comments on “Thanks To Everyone Who Helped 2GreenEnergy Achieve This Milestone

    Dear Craig: After years and years of reading your newsletter I can also testify of your letter´s worth. I am an inventor of renewable energy systems and I have found inspiration and confirmation of knoledge.
    I thank you for your perseverance and positive advice.
    Steven Andrews, from Guatemala.

  2. Gina Rozier says:

    You’re welcome
    Keep going.

  3. marcopolo says:


    I’m not sure how to truthfully congratulate you.

    For me the success or failure of any blog can be judged by the community it attracts and the diversity of opinion in the comments column. The more vigorous and informed the debate the greater the exchange of ideas.(after all that’s the point of a comments section).

    In recent years your comments section would appear to become bereft of comments while your few articles concerning clean tech have become, at best sketchy, and often of dubious authenticity.

    Sadly, 2Green Energy has become merely yet another “Never Trumper” , propaganda sheet, endlessly repeating a range of politically biased (often inaccurate and deceitful) rants.

    Over the last few years, a whole new world has expanded with the advent of Blockchain technology, cyber currency, massive and sensational advances in IOT and a myriad of other new technologies.

    You haven’t elected to take part in any of these truly game changing advances because you are too obsessed with destroying President Trump.

    Regrettably, it’s not just the President. Instead of celebrating the sensational technological revolution in bio-technology, you prefer to waste your time on a futile persecution of oil, gas and coal companies.

    Even your pursuit of those pointless crusades, lacks objectivity or honesty! Once when your claims were challenged
    your responded with honest debate, but no in recent years.

    In recent years you have disdained accuracy and honesty in favour or political rhetoric repetitions of dogma.

    It gives me no pleasure to write the lines, only considerable sadness to watch you corrupt all you once believed in.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if you were at least good at political analysis, but sadly outside of repeating propaganda, you lack any talent.

    Contrary to your gloating predictions, oil company presidents are in jail or have fallen victim to climate change law suits.

    The President remains in office,(with increased ratings) Brexit is occurring on schedule with Boris Johnson firmly in control and immensely popular, even in the middle of a pandemic of historic proportions the timing for the rapid development and deployment of not only a vaccine but a cure is probably a matter of months not the decades experienced in the past.

    Celebrating human achievement and advances in new, clean, and improving technology is far more rewarding than morose, repetitious castigation of your political enemies, real or imagined.

    • Ron Robinson says:

      Enjoy the kool aid Marco.

    • Llord Aidoo says:

      Hey Marcopolo,

      I very much admire your line “Celebrating human achievement and advances in new, clean, and improving technology is far more rewarding…” (In my opinion that’s a truly dignifying POV from a worthy observer–considering your tug-of-war with Craig.)

      But, gosh, your other comments had me thinking if you weren’t describing some apostate of decency!!!

      And I thought the landmark being celebrated here requires, at least in the hallowed present moment, our laying aside every contrary rhetorical weaponry and high-fiving in celebrations. Mind you, our common Mother, the earth, is being messed-up and irrecoverably degraded in no ordinary ways by us (some of us indeed), her most precious offspring, for pittances and such. The generations after us have done absolutely nothing to deserve this level of pangs even before their mothers’ mothers have cried out any distress of labor.

      In the space of my private thoughts saving the earth is our common denominator. And if we’ve ever considered ourselves pursuers of the “Holy Grail” we need grid our loins effectively and call out the rogue elements amongst us for what they exactly are. Sure you know what I’m referring to.

      For once let’s celebrate any milestone that hauls (no matter how minuscule) final progress in our struggle closer and closer–especially this mark being cited here with Craig and others.

      Bless you,


  4. Roy Hopkins says:

    God Almighty Marco Polo: why don’t you just admit that the President you seem to love so “bigly” is without doubt the worst President the U.S. has ever had; a self-aggrandizing asshole that is the laughing- stock of the world? This lying, hypocritical, incompetent twit simply does not understand that good leaders don’t blame others for their own incompetence; nor do they divide their nation rather than heal it.
    All this wouldn’t be so bad if the ignorami of the world were not bent on destroying our priceless planet with their greed. People like Craig have stood up to be counted in their desire to show how this ingrained greed & ignorance is destroying the most precious asset we have.
    GOOD ON YOU Craig for helping to remove this pervasive veil of stupidity: I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for us & future generations. May you clock up another 11 years of this most worthy of pursuits.

  5. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Congratulations Craig on this milestone, and thank you for allowing me to participate over the years on your forum.

    As an information provider to ordinary people your blog has played a role for sure and that in itself is a significant achievement, but it must be said that from my assessment your blog has been a mediocre one at best, and that any hope you might have had initially on becoming a high quality blog and one of significant influence around important global issues affecting ordinary citizens, was never possible because of your inability to remain professionally detached from day to day hysterical and largely self indulgent irrelevant nonsense and rabble rousing vested interest noise.

    Extraordinary anything cannot spring from ordinary leadership and guidance.

    Nevertheless you have copped my comments and criticism from time to time on the chin and that shows a measure of fortitude absent in many of us these days. Bravo Zulu on that point.

    Your old sparring buddy Marco Polo is not your enemy or your executioner Craig; he is your older and much smarter friend in fact, with sufficient interest in you as a person to invest in your learning. And he has had a measure of success in his efforts in my opinion.

    You have been the beneficiary of Marco Polo’ interest in participating on your blog.

    All the best as you move forward with your blog Craig.

    Lawrence Coomber

  6. Arlene K Allen says:

    It’s been quite a while. You keep on keeping on sir.