Stephen King Says Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus Is ‘Almost Impossible To Comprehend’

Stephen King is one of the most intelligent and astute observers of our culture and its flaws, and I agree with 99% of what he says about Donald Trump’s sociopathic nature, and the grave danger he represents to our country and to the world.

Here, however, I take issue; Trump’s approach to the coronavirus seems perfectly predictable. Trump’s handling of anything bad goes like this:

Pretend it doesn’t exist until that’s no longer tenable, then, in order,

• Downplay its ill-effects

• Blame it on the Democrats, especially Obama, if even vaguely possible

• Make frequent outrageous statements that have no basis in fact, so as to garner as much media exposure as possible

• Sabotage any efforts on the part of others to help the American people affected by the situation

• Invest creative ways to use the situation to enrich yourself and your donors

• Re-write history, denying all mistakes you’ve made along the way

• Take credit for any improvement in the situation, regardless of how small, and how irrelevant you were to it

• When journalists call you out on all this, rush to label them “nasty,” “fake news,” etc.

Above all, never back down.  Take zero responsibility, and push forward with your lies until the situation is behind us and another catastrophe has taken over from the last.





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