How Misogyny Has So Grossly Disfigured The United States

I thought readers might be interested in a conversation between senior energy analyst and political activist Glenn Doty and me on the subject of the meme here, which is captioned, “From Iceland to Taiwan and from Germany to New Zealand, women are stepping up to show the world how to manage a messy patch for our human family.”

Glenn: As we watch our nation decay – both economically and in strict terms of attrition – due to the monstrous incompetent bungling of this crisis from our kakocracy… it’s hard not to think of what might have been…The road we chose – for no other reason than raging misogyny – not to take.

CraigMisogyny, racism, cruelty, selfishness, tribalism. I was astonished in November, 2016. If you had asked me, I would have said there were a few million “deplorables,” mostly in the Deep South. I had no idea there were 62 million.
Glenn: Same. I remained both astonished and horrified daily… as each new crime or act of utter insanity proves again and again that there is no bottom for this administration or for the republicans that support and protect this administration… yet there are still people who support them.  If it were fiction, people would say that it was terrible fiction, because the villains are so absurd, and so nihilistic… that no-one would accept them.  In fiction, it’s almost certainly true. But yet there are 62.9 million people that are exactly that… wrong. Broken. Lost…Pointlessly evil.
Craig: It’s funny; I say that all the time.  If I took a book out of the library and it started like this, I’d put it down inside of 20 pages, unable to suspend my disbelief.
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