For an Excellent Reason, Republicans Are Nervous

The New York Times reports, “A cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Mr. Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course.”

One has to laugh.  Bad news for Republicans: Trump’s incapable of putting the nation on a radically improved course.” That’s because everything he says and does is what he calculates to be best for him.  He’s programmed that way, and, truth told, it’s worked well for him all his life.  He couldn’t care less what’s good for the nation, and thinking that he can change that is like thinking your dog is going to teach himself to play the violin.

Until recently, Trump had dodged an entire arsenal of bullets.  All the lies and blatant criminality have cost him only minor dips at the polls.  Now, evidence is surfacing that he’s seriously mentally ill, and this one he will not survive.  Check out a few of the 152 million hits that result from Googling “trump mentally ill.”

Remarkably, Trump supporters don’t need or want an honest president.  The question before them is how they feel about an insane one.

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