Trump and the Purge at the Pentagon

From this article:

Longstanding concerns that President Trump plans to purge the government of anyone deemed less than perfectly loyal to him surfaced anew this week, with reports that the White House is installing a fierce political loyalist at the Pentagon to vet non-military officials. It’s a move some current Defense Department officials reportedly fear will lead to hirings and firings based on political calculations, rather than job qualifications.

I’m surprised he didn’t replace the top people with loyalist zombies long ago. Even from public sources like “Stars and Stripes,” it’s clear that the top U.S. military people believe him to be insane, and are desperate to get him gone. With the possible exception of the environmentalists, I doubt there is a single demographic that perceives Trump to be a greater threat than the military.

Also, Trump’s smart enough to know that it’s impossible to go full dictator and turn this country into the quintessential banana republic without the military behind him.

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