Authoritarianism: America Not Going Gentle into that Good Night

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Nearly 2000 Justice Department officials have signed onto a letter calling for Attorney General William Barr to resign over what they describe as his improper intervention in the criminal case of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn. Last week, the DOJ moved to drop charges against Flynn who had pleaded guilty twice to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.

As our president exerts ever more control over the justice system, perverting rule of law to the point that it no longer exists, he’s encountering an enormous amount of push-back, and that’s very good news for any of us who wants to have any remaining semblance of government of, by, and for the people.

It’s hard to imagine that when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution granting the president an enormous range of powers, that one day a man would be elected who would use them to grant wholesale pardons and commutations to his friends and allies, and to score other political points, e.g., the pardoning of a duly convicted war criminal.

Where this will take us no one knows, yet one thing is clear: We rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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