The Energy Gang: Fabulous Weekly Podcast

As often mentioned here, I heartily recommend the long-running weekly podcast “The Energy Gang” to anyone wishing to keep up with the technological, economic, and political trends in the international energy industry.

TEG is done in an interview format, hosted by my colleague Stephen Lacey, contributing editor at GreenTech Media, who takes on the issues of the day with Katherine Hamilton, Co-Founder of 38 North Solutions, a boutique business strategy consulting firm, and Jigar Shah, co-founder of Generate Capital, and founder of the legendary SunEdison.

I refer to Jigar as “The Ubiquitous Jigar Shah,” because you can’t go to an energy conferences anywhere on Earth without running into him–either personally, or via a huge photograph and a quote.  He’s brilliant, and he’s of enormous value to the industry.  He was also good enough to write the back cover of my most recent book, “Bullish on Renewable Energy: 14 Reasons That Clean Energy Investors Can’t Lose.” (See below.)

In any case, I hope readers will take some time and check out the latest podcast, which examines, as the world makes its way through the pandemic, the differences between the European and American approaches to economy-stimulating spending in the public sector.  Stephen introduces the topic:

Europe is crafting a €750 billion recovery package in response to the economic impact of coronavirus. It will devote more than €200 billion directly to low-carbon infrastructure projects. That could enable hundreds of billions more for renewables, efficiency, clean public transport, and hydrogen.

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., our recent stimulus sent billions of dollars to debt-laden oil producers. With potentially one shot left to pass another recovery package, everyone is afraid to utter the word “climate.”  Coronavirus highlights yet another political and economic divide. How badly is America squandering this historic moment?

Great discussion.


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