“Mr. Trump Increasingly Sounds Like a Cultural Relic”

Here’s another person echoing the point I made the other day about Trump: he’s standing on an island that’s getting smaller with each passing day, as the seas are rising around him.

Yes, he has a hardcore base that will never be completely extinguished, and yes, his fiery rhetoric has them at the boiling point, but essentially everyone outside that base has either already left town or is packing his bags.

Just as the contents of a flushed toilet spin faster as they near the drain, look for the process to accelerate going forward.  Among the many aspects of Trump’s psychopathology is his inability to change his mind, and his compulsion to further escalate already-nasty situations.  

For some reason that we’ll probably never understand, these points of his personality, which are almost always detrimental in others, have served him well over the years.  But they’ve failed him now, and at this point he finds himself at the end of the line.

Americans are angry at what they see, and they have every reason to be terrified of the prospect of an unhinged and desperate man, still wielding the awesome power of the U.S. president.

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