Trump Going To Prison?

A reader notes:  BS.  This will never happen.

Actually, this isn’t that hard for me to imagine. To think he’s going to walk away from every criminal acts he’s committed over the past 3.5 years, you have to believe that the entirety of the state and federal justice systems are going to overlook dozens of different types of glaring violations of criminal law.

Once he leaves office, he’s almost certain to be hit with indictments on any or all of several different charges:

• Violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution (foreign dignitaries stayed at Trump’s hotels and golf courses)

• Withholding congressionally-approved funds to extort personal favors from an ally, in the case of Ukraine

• Who-knows-how-many counts of obstructing justice, starting with Comey, Mueller, and McGahn

• Negligent homicide (if he’s lucky, more probably involuntary manslaughter) in the case of 122K+ COVID-19 deaths

• Abetting crimes against humanity (Uighurs/China)

• Advocating political and police violence

• Abuse of power, pardoning friends and persecuting whistleblowers

• Committing all manner of financial crimes in the State of New York (for which no pardons are possible), e.g., violating campaign finance laws

All this this is based on what we know now.  What we don’t know, and are soon to learn, perhaps from his tax returns, are things like whom he’s indebted to in Russia, and Deutsche Banks’s reasoning for lending him huge amounts of money when every other bank on the planet told him to take a hike.

At this point he appears to have skated through his presidency, but that’s because it’s taken on faith that a sitting president can’t be indicted, and the GOP-led Senate was too cowardly to remove him via impeachment or the 25th Amendment.  Unless it happens sooner, all that’s over at noon on January 20, 2021, and the evidence against him is staggering.

I’m betting that he winds up not in prison, but in Moscow.


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