America and the U.K. At the Brink: How a Society Dies

Here’s a terrifying piece from London-based consultant, author, and economist Umair Haque, who claims that America and Britain are “textbook examples of a new, gruesome phenomenon: rich nations self-destructing into poor failed states.”

Though the average American isn’t precisely optimistic at this point, most of us hold out some hope for a return to a society that functions well, featuring a strong middle class full of happy and healthy people.  Yet the rosiest chap in the whole country, if here to read this article, would be forced to admit that Haque is making dozens of deeply penetrating, irrefutable points that expand in bold detail on the fact that our current trend to thoughtlessness, selfishness and arrogance can only get worse.

The author points out, for instance, that the only two rich societies in the world with falling life expectancies, incomes, savings, happiness, trust — every single social indicator you can imagine — are America and Britain.  Further, both countries are governed by an oligarchy of elites who go about their lives without the slightest concern that the vast majority of people are scraping by with less and less, now forced to interact with one another under ever-growing economic pressure.  As a consequence, we find ourselves becoming more distrustful, rude, and mean to one one another, especially those of different races, religions, and national origins.

My perspective as an environmentalist adds another layer of concern: climate change.  What happens to the human civilization on a planet of finite size, soon to function as home to 9 billion people, as the Earth’s resources become increasingly stressed?  As potable water, then food supplies, start to become scarce, as land masses disappear beneath the rising sea levels, or become uninhabitable due to scorching heat, can we expect people to suddenly start acting with grace and decency to one another?

I hesitate to promote such cynicism, but I was so compelled by the piece that I felt it was only right to share it.

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