November’s Election Will Be “One for the Books”

What a charming human being, exuding all the traditional values of justice, fairness, tolerance, amiability, and mutual respect. I wonder which of the Seven Sisters she calls her alma mater.  Smith?  Wellesley?

On a serious note, it appears that this year we’ll have high voter turnout, despite voter suppression, gerrymandering, and a variety of “dirty tricks”:  calling nursing homes, asking for residents’ voting preferences, and, depending on the response, explaining, “Oh there’s no need to go to the polls; I’ve recorded and registered your vote for you,” posting “detour” signs that get prospective voters lost, or simply, “Polling Place Closed.”

This will without doubt be the dirtiest election in U.S. history, and the question remains, what will Trump do if he’s thoroughly and clearly destroyed?

In any case, first things first: vote.

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