Americans Face Lessons To Be Learned in 2020

Americans, especially white ones, have the right to be ass****s, although before now there was never a time in our history where this theory was tested in the real world.

Now, masses of people are flouting laws at all levels of government that require them to observe measures aimed at containing the pandemic.  Few if any of them are being punished in any way, other than ostracism. But do you think the slob shown here could possibly care what refined and decent people think of him?

Some people say something good is happening in American society as we go through this horrific period.  They tell us that we’re learning the consequences of things like piggish behavior, racial oppression, global humiliation, a deep and prolonged recession, environmental depredation, social upheaval, weapons of war in the hands of hateful morons, and, most of all, leadership by liars.

Ex-White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly told us after he was deposed, “I think we need to look harder at who we elect. I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”  That’s kind of funny, albeit pathetic, that 145 million U.S. voters need to be told that electing the criminally insane to the highest office in the land isn’t a good idea.

There actually are lessons to be learned here.  Yes, these are lessons that those of us who grew up half a century ago had learned by the age of five or six, whether from parents, in kindergarten, or at Sunday School, but perhaps it’s never too late.

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