Fascism Coming to America?

The 38% of the U.S. electorate that still supports Trump will look at the list here and see no connection whatsoever with modern-day America.  To the rest of us, however, every one of these words rings true.

As history has shown us, identifying the early warning signs of fascism is never a straightforward task.  Until he had taken over complete control of the German government in the 1930s, Hitler was regarded as a joke.  By the time the laughter faded, however, a criminal psychopath was firmly ensconced as Der Fuehrer.

As suggested below, we are experiencing a great deal of what looks life fascism with the Federal government sending out its military to interrupt protests.

Yet, given the trajectory of Trump’s erratic incompetence, it appears that the full brunt of all this is likely to be avoided here in the U.S. before it’s too late.  Americans will be coming out to vote like we’re going to be pulled off the streets into unmarked vans by the secret police if Trump wins a second term.

That, however, is dumb luck.  Had Trump done even a slightly better job at handling the pandemic, we could very possibly be looking at four more years, a lethal amount, of Trump’s installing himself as a ruler completely above the law, with the power of a Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Duterte, Erdogan, and the rest of the world’s supreme leaders.

We dodged a bullet, but we need to keep in mind: hoping for good luck isn’t a solid strategy.



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