Trump Loses–Now What?

It appears that Trump is making a multi-pronged attack on the November election with a variety of voter suppression tools.  Assuming, however, that he will ultimately fail and faces a free and fair process, it’s clear that he will no longer be president after January 21, 2021.  At that point, we need to expect indictments to rocket down from the sky like a hard, pelting hail-storm.

It will be interesting to see what tack prosecutors like.  The author of the cartoon here suggests that money-laundering will take a key position.  But does that seem more likely than any of several others?

• Sex crimes associated with the testimony of Ghislaine Maxwell

• Obstruction of justice, in any of dozens of different events, 10+ are named in the Mueller Report, the supporting evidence for which is described as “very substantial.”

• Conspiracy against the U.S., which is what took Paul Manafort down

• Ordering another (Michael Cohen) to commit a felony, lying to Congress

• Mass murder, in deliberately delaying help in the fight against COVID-19

• Campaign finance violations in the State of New York

• Soliciting political help from a foreign entity: Ukraine, Russia, China

• Hundreds of violations of the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution

• Advocating political and police violence

• Abusing the power of his office with outrageous pardons

Btw, this website does a far better job on this than I did here.

So now what?  How many centuries in prison are needed here?  Doesn’t it make sense for prosecutors to just pick the easiest one or two?

The real issue will be preventing him from leaving the country with his family, and holding up with his Russian oligarch buddies in the Motherland.

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