Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Auto Emissions Rollback

Question: When’s the best time to roll back auto emission standards that protect public health and save people money?

Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

Relevance:  All automakers except Toyota and General Motors, as well as the vast majority of Americans, are in favor of the CAFE (combined average fuel efficiency) auto emission standards that were set in the Obama era (54.5 mpg).  Trump has picked this time to force a rollback, which will cause an estimated 18K premature deaths, sicken hundreds of thousands of others, and cost American consumers a fortune in extra gasoline.  Principal beneficiaries:  the oil companies.

See video:


Clean car standards protect our health, climate, and economy. But #StuckinReverse automakers like Toyota USA and General Motors have ignored consumer demands and backed the Trump administration's dangerous attack on these important standards. #CleanerCarsTake action –> sc.org/CleanCars

Posted by Sierra Club on Tuesday, August 11, 2020


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