Religious Fanaticism and Science Don’t Mix

As demonstrated at the left, religious extremism doesn’t fit in well in any place where science is a necessary ingredient in solving a critically important problem.

So much of this is offensive, it’s hard to know where to start.

Personally, I get a little peeved with people who try to tell me what God wants us to do. What makes this twit’s understanding of the Almighty superior to anyone else’s?

Moreover, I can’t recall a place in scripture in which God orders us to ignore learned people.

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2 comments on “Religious Fanaticism and Science Don’t Mix
  1. Gary Tulie says:

    If it were just a case of placing themselves at risk, then I would say “let them make themselves candidates for The Darwin Prize” After all, if God does not want them to wear masks, then should any of them die as a result, then it is God’s will, and they just reach heaven a little faster!

    Trouble is, not wearing a mask in enclosed places where close contact cannot necessarily be avoided is more about protecting others should the mask wearer be unknowingly infected! As such surely the biblical injunction to “love your neighbour as you love yourself” surely applies, and for a Christian that should surely bring a moral imperative to take all reasonable steps to protect those around you from infection!