We’ll Believe Anything; The More Outrageous, the Better

A Trump spokesperson said recently, “I think you take a look at the great people that President Trump has surrounded himself with, some of the brilliant women and some of the brilliant leaders that we have within this administration. And I would say that overall the president has had a very good track record of hiring excellent people.”

In addition to the felons at the left, we have massive departures, including Sarah Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen, John Kelly, Ryan Zinke, James Mattis, Jeff Sessions, Don McGahn,  John Kelly, Scott Pruitt, Ty Cobb, H.R. McMaster, Hope Hicks, Rex Tillerson, Gary Cohn, Andrew McCabe, Tom Price, Sebastian Gorka, Carl Icahn, Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Walter Shaub, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rick Perry, John Bolton, Dan Coats, Alexander Acosta, and about 30 others.  I’m sure all these people are “excellent,” even the ones who resigned in disgrace, after ethics charges were leveled against them.

Now realize that about 40% of Americans believe the statement here, i.e., that “the president has had a very good track record of hiring excellent people” is completely correct.

This is the level of public discourse in the United States right now.

A voting base that lacks the capacity to reason is a terrifying thing.

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