Watergate Was So Simple By Comparison

IMO, one of the most important differences between Watergate and what’s happening here is the vast complexity of today’s situation.

Prosecutors here have to choose between dozens of different instances of fraud, tax evasion, extortion (Ukraine), obstruction of justice, assault/battery (infecting others), inciting violence, manslaughter re: COVID-19 deaths, manslaughter re: children at southern border, domestic and foreign emolument clauses, ordering another to commit a felony (Michael Cohen), national security laws violations, (demanding, security clearance for his son-in-law, despite objections from intelligence officials), perjury, sexual assault and rape, conspiracy against the United States, treason, and witness intimidation.

Needless to say, they will pick one or two that are the least defensible, prioritizing that which can be prosecuted at the state level, thus removing the opportunity for a presidential pardon.

It is for this reason that on, January 21st, 2021, a dinosaur is more likely to be present in the United States than Donald Trump.

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