Electric Transportation–A Civil Discussion

Here’s a conversation on EVs I thought I’d share.

Person A: EVs cost half as much to maintain as gas cars. Plus “fuel” costs are significantly less too. When buying your next car consider one with a plug.  Consumer Reports has examined its most recent data and determined that the cost of maintenance for an electric car is half that for a conventional car.

Person B: Battery production and disposal might be good to look into.

EV advocate Tom Moreno: Person B, how so? The fossil fuel industry has spread tons of misinformation regarding those two points; I hope you aren’t attempting to repeat those disproven talking points. 
Paul Scott (my colleague, and advocacy Plug-In America co-founder): Person B, what do you drive?   Based on your comment, it appears you are lacking the latest information about EVs. Both Tom and I are knowledgeable and willing to help you understand why driving an EV is far superior – in every way – to driving an ICE vehicle.
Me: Paul Scott, what a great response, and how characteristic it is of you and everything I admire about you.  It assumes that your fellow human being wants to learn, which may or may not be true, but why not start there?  I wish more discourse could be like this.  I myself am often guilty of discourtesy, sarcasm, condescension, etc.  I’ve relearned something here. 
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