Tesla Powerwall Rival Seeks to Bring Hydrogen Into Your Home

2GreenEnergy super-supporter Gary Tulie writes:

Hi Craig,  Re something like this, I have to ask what’s the point?  The hydrogen energy store is 3 times the price of a Tesla Power wall to store 3 times the energy, so about the same price per kWh of capacity. 

Trouble is assuming the electrolyser is 80% efficient and the fuel cell is net 60%, you are looking at around 50% cycle efficiency versus maybe 85 to 90% for the powerwalls.  The average person does not need to store 2 days worth of electricity, and if they did, could do so far more efficiently with 3 powerwall units. 

Seems to me one powerwall, a heat pump and 2 tanks one for hot water, (sanitary uses and winter heating) and the other for chilled water /antifreeze solution to cool the house would probably make more sense – with any remaining excess exported to the grid. 

Note also that battery storage is likely to get significantly cheaper soon with Tesla and a bunch of others hugely ramping battery production. 

I agree completely.  IMO, the only place for hydrogen at this point is as a liquid fuel for cargo ships, Class 8 trucks, and aircraft, generated by off-peak wind or nuclear.  It’s pathetic to see the world jamming a square peg into a round hole.


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