American Education Will Now Start To Improve, and It Couldn’t Have Happened Soon Enough

If I had to pick the aspect of a Biden presidency that I’m happiest to see, I guess I’d go with honesty.  It’s not that Biden personally or Democrats generally are impeccably honest, but rather that what they’re replacing is easily the most corrupt and mendacious administration in the entire history of the United States.

After that, I’d say it’s a responsible environmental policy, where we’ll rejoin the rest of the world’s governments in doing what we can to mitigate climate change and take care of the planet as a whole.

Right behind that it public education, where Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Secretary of Education, has done everything in her power to destroy the quality of learning that we offer to our children.  I’m reminded of what a teacher at our local high school (where I tutor) told me: If you’re a teacher, you can’t be a Trump supporter at the same time, and it has nothing to do with Trump’s competence or character as a human being; it’s that his education secretary is making it impossible to teach our kids effectively.

That stuck with me.  Bye, Betsy.

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