It’s Hard To Recall What Class and Decency Look Like

It’s been four full years since there was one iota of class and decency in the White House, and thus we all can be excused if we’ve forgotten what something like this looks like. To the end of refreshing our memories, I give you the speech John McCain gave, conceding victory to Barack Obama in 2008.

Hope as we may that we’ll see something similar here in 2020, there is identically zero reason to think it could happen. As far as anyone can determine, there has not been a single moment in Donald Trump’s ugly life that showed anything but contempt for those who beat him, followed by the most aggressive vengeance he can possibly muster.

Under most circumstances, that would not really be a problem; the United States cannot possibly be any further embarrassed and disgraced in the eyes of the world than it already is.  The issues here are:

a) Given the powers of the U.S. presidency, Trump’s capacity for revenge is considerable, and

b) There are millions of heavily armed morons who are now convinced (by the sitting president) that sinister forces have conspired to steal the election. Many of these thugs will now turn to violence in an effort to take back what, they are told, is rightfully theirs, vigorously encouraged by the criminal-in-chief.

Good luck, America.  You’re going to need it.

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