Trump Doesn’t Always Lie, And Sometimes the Truth Is Simply Astonishing

It’s hard to imagine how many books and essays are going to be written about Trump’s presidency.  Some will try to explain the economic and sociological conditions that brought him to power, while others will look at the long-term effects his presence will make on world affairs, the environment, and racial relationships.  In addition, there are bound to be a few that look at how this whole thing unraveled in the year 2020.  

My take on it is this: arrogance. Though Trump is most famous for his lies, it was the moments he thought so highly of himself that he believed he could truthfully admit to committing heinous crimes that ultimately brought him down.  Telling Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of the then-FBI director’s investigation into collusion with Russia.  Admitting to extorting the Ukraine for political advantage.  Confessing to withholding evidence from the impeachment inquiry.  Copping to hiding information on COVID-19, putting every single American life in danger, and resulting in hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.

I’m particularly charmed by the content of the meme here.  Can you imagine how full of yourself you’d have to be to expose your totally dishonest plan, on camera, to discredit the free press and bully its members into writing positive articles about you?

Where Trump goes from here is anyone’s guess.  We all hope he’ll stay in the United States after the inauguration, subject to arrest, indictment, trial and conviction of any of a dozen different felony charges.  If he does, let’s hope he takes the stand in his own defense.  The results will be both explosive and utterly hilarious.

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