Man of High Integrity in U.S. Justice Department

From this article:

The Justice Department’s top election crimes prosecutor resigned Monday in protest after Attorney General William Barr told federal prosecutors that they should examine allegations of voting irregularities before states move to certify results in the coming weeks.

Richard Pilger, director of the elections crimes branch in the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section, told colleagues in an email that the attorney general was issuing “an important new policy abrogating the forty-year-old Non-Interference Policy for ballot fraud investigations in the period prior to elections becoming certified and uncontested.” Pilger also forwarded the memo to colleagues in his resignation letter.

One has to respect the courage and integrity of people like this. The problem, of course, is that this means Barr simply has to find someone who will compromise his principles and abrogate the policy, which shouldn’t be too difficult.

I’m reminded of all the scientists who have resigned from their positions in the EPA, since the Trump administration does everything in its power to minimize the impact of science on decision-making.  Again, these people deserve our admiration based on their fortitude, but they are simply replaced by people who couldn’t tell you what the periodic table is.

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