Looks Like Fox News Will Have Massive Amounts of Blood on Its Hands

From The Atlantic: Fox News Hits a Dangerous New Low — The most-watched news network in America is choosing to mislead its viewers about the state of the election.

Here are some of the things that happened yesterday evening on the most-watched news network in America: The minority leader of the House of Representatives announced, absolutely falsely and with no pushback, that “President Trump won this election.” A former speaker of the House argued that, in the name of democracy, the U.S. federal government should “lock up” state election workers. One of the most-watched TV hosts in the country implied to the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee that the GOP-controlled Pennsylvania legislature should override the will of the state’s voters to appoint its own electors. Lindsey Graham responded, gravely, “Everything should be on the table.”

So here we go, our ostensibly honest and responsible leaders urging mass lawlessness, whose only possible outcome is gun violence.  How can it turn out any differently?  There are 70 million largely uneducated people, armed to the teeth, being told that their hero has been cheated out of re-election by the liberals and the media.  What else can we expect here?

There was a time during this morass that it appeared Fox News would take a more reasoned position, and, at the very least, stay out of the riot-incitement business.  Looks like that didn’t happen.


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